
Healthy Habits in Times of Stress

In this challenging time, it’s easy to set aside our healthy habits because of fear. It’s important we know about our fears, but you don’t have to be controlled by them. Fear is normal and we need a certain amount of fear for good judgment and to stay safe. Your decision process can be affected if you are feeling anxious, especially if you allow fear to feed your imagination. We will always have obstacles when working on changing our habits, but I would ask you to remember your mindful eating practices and listen to your body when stressed or otherwise. It is easy to return to old habits and begin eating foods that are emotionally comforting. Pay attention and look for foods that are healthy.   One thing I noticed at the store recently - there was no shortage of healthy food choices, but non-healthy processed foods were scarce. Stay on track, journal your feelings, how much you’re moving and log your daily meals.     Let’s talk about dealing with stress, bored...

A Better You In 2020

New Year, New You

What do you value?

Take A Moment….

How To Find Your Adventure At Any Age

Bring More Fun Into Your Life - Time for Play

How old is TOO old to start something new?