Why does this always seem to be the case when you finally decided to do something you believe you either need or want? Many of us know what we need, but don’t have the power or self-discipline to achieve the desired results. You may recognize the benefit to your life but cannot take the steps or stay on the path once begun.
It can be very frustrating and can make you feel like a failure because you cannot or will not do the work. We put it off, find excuses, and even justify why we can’t get our act together.
First, I believe you must be sure of your decision. That means getting a mindset you will do this and have solid reasons that resonate within why you will complete the task. There are many times our mind tells us what we SHOULD do, but we can’t seem to get past the idea we WILL do it. Occasionally we meet someone who has done what we want to achieve and are envious and curious how they could do this thing you want and need but cannot follow through.
I want to share some ideas that may be helpful when you are looking to develop a mindset for the elusive task you need in your life.
Know Thy Self
When starting a journey for change in your life you need to have a good sense of yourself. Often, we try to apply directions or rules we know upfront will not work with our lifestyle. Yet we wonder why the program doesn’t work for us. Examine how you can work the new and different changes into your life. Discover what knowledge is needed, difficulties you may incur and how to adapt. By knowing your values and beliefs you can create a winning plan.
Know Where You Want To Go
What do you want to accomplish? Is there a time frame to complete it? Have you put together a plan on how to get there? These are a few questions to help you plan. Remember the quote about we don’t plan to fail, but fail to plan.
Do Your Research
Knowledge is a powerful tool. Take the time to gain the facts. What you are getting yourself into? Are there drawbacks? And how will the benefits help during your quest. Having a good sense of direction along with information help create solid decisions.
Learn And Challenge
As you begin your new direction, you will find times you need to regroup and start again. Learn from these derailments and challenge yourself to improve and change whatever caused the problem. We are not perfect and should not expect to be. Be aware and flexible to change. Find a new path to get you where you want to go.
As a final thought I would encourage you to remember that you are doing something for you, so you need not justify to others. You alone must answer for your actions in your personal development journey. You will move out of a comfort zone and into a new and different world so be ready for change and sometimes a little discomfort. Look to the future and how you are improving. With each day you are taking the steps to redefine yourself and what you want in life.
Be bold and go for it!
“Achieving something gives you a sense of fulfillment; so, create your own happiness by following up on your passions and achieving them.”― Patricia Dsouza
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