I recently had the pleasure of visiting the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum in Fort Pierce. It is the only museum dedicated solely to preserving the history of the U.S. Navy SEALs. It was a fascinating tour covering decades of history honoring those who served.
The running theme during the tour is serving others and never quitting. They persevere and thrive on adversity. No matter what our circumstance in life we can learn and be inspired by their dedication.
Navy Seal sayings can keep us motivated for our own personal or career goals. Each day as we get distracted with responsibilities, we may want to think about these sayings to keep us inspired and driven.
Here are a few of their phrases to keep top of mind:
Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
The training for SEALs is intense and comfort is not an option. They are trained to focused on their task and not on how uncomfortable they may feel. How often do we put off difficult projects or confrontations because we are uncomfortable? Whatever the reason, it will not get easier by procrastination. Embrace the reality. Do the work. As you overcome these challenges, you will become more confident and be ready for more test.
The only easy day was yesterday.
Each day is a new challenge regardless of what happened the previous day. Yesterday is over. Look forward to new beginnings and pushing yourself to gain momentum with each thing you have mastered. Try a little harder, seek out new ideas, overcome challenges.
Have a shared sense of purpose.
Communicating your goal or purpose is not always easy. Things will change in your professional and personal life. Learn by listening and sharing what you want to accomplish. Find the big picture and help others to understand and how to get there. Share your goal with those who will support and cheer you on if you are working on something that is difficult.
All in, all the time.
To be a SEAL you give everything you have every day. It is not an option, they have to dig deep and focus on the task. You also need to be all in no matter the circumstance. If you are working with a team, starting a new company, running a marathon or improving your health, you must give it your all. Being sloppy or careless won’t cut it. People notice if you're serious. Put your heart into everything you do.
No matter what your age or what you are doing, follow the SEALs and learn to be okay with uncomfortable, be prepared and go all in every time all the time.
“Make up your mind to do it. Proceed one step, one hour, one evolution at a time. Help your team mates whenever you can. Keep going.” - Denny Johnson, BUD/S Class 42
The running theme during the tour is serving others and never quitting. They persevere and thrive on adversity. No matter what our circumstance in life we can learn and be inspired by their dedication.
Navy Seal sayings can keep us motivated for our own personal or career goals. Each day as we get distracted with responsibilities, we may want to think about these sayings to keep us inspired and driven.
Here are a few of their phrases to keep top of mind:
Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

The only easy day was yesterday.
Each day is a new challenge regardless of what happened the previous day. Yesterday is over. Look forward to new beginnings and pushing yourself to gain momentum with each thing you have mastered. Try a little harder, seek out new ideas, overcome challenges.
Have a shared sense of purpose.
Communicating your goal or purpose is not always easy. Things will change in your professional and personal life. Learn by listening and sharing what you want to accomplish. Find the big picture and help others to understand and how to get there. Share your goal with those who will support and cheer you on if you are working on something that is difficult.
All in, all the time.
To be a SEAL you give everything you have every day. It is not an option, they have to dig deep and focus on the task. You also need to be all in no matter the circumstance. If you are working with a team, starting a new company, running a marathon or improving your health, you must give it your all. Being sloppy or careless won’t cut it. People notice if you're serious. Put your heart into everything you do.
No matter what your age or what you are doing, follow the SEALs and learn to be okay with uncomfortable, be prepared and go all in every time all the time.
“Make up your mind to do it. Proceed one step, one hour, one evolution at a time. Help your team mates whenever you can. Keep going.” - Denny Johnson, BUD/S Class 42
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