Think you may be too old to learn? You know the saying, “Can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” I know several acquaintances who think once you become a certain age life slows down and retirement is the future. They have no plans thinking it will all just fall into place. You may not be aware, but many people don’t get started on their life until they have celebrated their fifty-plus year mark. And a large amount of these late learners’ bloom with new careers, projects and talents that were not known to them.
Have you given thought to starting something and didn’t because you were afraid of failure or people may laugh? Perhaps you have thoughts of changing yourself physically and are afraid to ask how to get started or even if you can follow through with a plan. I would advise you to be brave and do it anyway. You can gain from the experience and may find you are opening a new door to a life beyond your current settings. Many articles have been written about lifelong learning and the mental benefits. Although these benefits are important I want to talk about the personal satisfaction of doing something that gives pleasure to the individual and a sense of accomplishment.
Perhaps you have thought about options but don’t know what you have an interest in pursuing. If so, here are a few suggestions to help you discover in which direction to start.
Staying Current
Do you often feel you are a little behind with the times? Perhaps it’s the digital age, current events or even understanding your grandchildren’s views. Whatever the reason you can find many ways to become knowledgeable. Opportunities abound ranging from educational classes to networking groups. Surprisingly these avenues can also lead to new social groups and often friends. Explore new ways of organizing your life. Try different ways of communication. Go to a new workout class. Take a college course. The more you develop and expand your knowledge the more effective you will communicate with others. Also, this will keep you from reverting to the past and how things “used to be.”
Develop Your Passions
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a writer, trainer or teacher? The world is full of ways to grow your passion and share it with others. You can develop your hobbies into full time careers by showing others your talents. Or perhaps you had thoughts of painting, working with children, animals or other things you never did because you didn’t have time. These activities can lead to expanding your horizons, creating new friendships and provide rewards by giving back to the community.
Find Hidden Talents
Many times, we don’t realize what talents we have and when we allow our self to grow we find more than we dreamed of having. Our talents may be cooking, art, gardening, travel, consulting - the list is endless. Give yourself the gift to become more by experiencing all that life can offer. Go ahead, try something you thought about but never did. You never know where it may lead.
Gain New Confidence
Advanced knowledge brings self-assurance. When you allow yourself to grow, you become more confident. This is powerful in a world where age may make us feel less than certain. Learning new abilities, talents, and passions in life can and will help center you and your place in the world.
“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” - William Arthur Ward
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