The Role Models In Our Life

Some of us are fortunate enough in life to come across one special person.  This is a person who finds it in themselves to give to others in the form of teaching or mentoring.  Many of us actually pursue mentoring in the workplace and other areas of our life today. There are companies and clubs that have mentoring programs to get us up to speed and knowledgeable of the organization.  These are worthy programs but not what I am talking about here. 

The type of teacher that I am speaking of is the person who will give their time and energy to help another learn and grow.  This type of mentor does not look for recognition for their efforts nor do they announce their intentions.  They quietly use their knowledge to help others become better without looking for gratitude but only the satisfaction of guiding another.

This person does not set up rules and they do not reprimand, admonish, or make anyone uncomfortable.  They lead by example with grace and dignity.  Many times the people they teach or help don’t realize the effort until much later. 

I was once so fortunate to have this very type of person in my life many years ago.  This mentor was also the person I worked for at the time and from the day I started with the company she begin to teach me about corporate structure, politics, internal and external relationships as well as giving back to others and the community.  Her spirit was open and friendly.  She had patience and instead of finding flaws she saw opportunities.  Although this was in a corporate environment, she taught me so much more about life on a personal level.   Her outlook in her personal and work life was blurred when it came to her style and class. Everyone was treated with the same warm, friendly person that looked to get whatever was needed done.

Sometimes this very type of person is in our life to teach and mentor without us realizing they are there.  If you think you may value from learning from another but don’t have a mentor in your life take a few steps to learn from those around you.  First step is to make a commitment to search out people you would like to emulate their way of life.  Think about what you are missing in your life and what you could improve upon.

If you are looking for a different type of lifestyle then search for people that appear to live the way you would like to live.  Observe how they think and handle different situations in their life.  How do they treat others – their spouse, children, parents or co-workers?  What are their work ethics, spiritual path or community service?  What are the qualities that you find attractive that can be incorporated into your life?  Do they have empathy, and are they honest, driven, fun or humorous?

By looking for these types of people you will often find you need not have them guide you with scheduled meetings.  By observing them you will learn more about what your differences are and if you are willing to make and accept lifestyle changes.

While we are talking about mentors and teachers, you may be the very person that someone is looking to learn from and grow.  If you can reach out to others with guidance or just friendship you could change a person’s world.  That is exactly what my dear friend and mentor did for me.

My friend passed away a few years ago.  After our work together led us into different directions we kept in touch with phone calls and an occasional lunch. She was always a shining example for me as to the type of person I strive to be today.  I can only hope that I can provide and be that type of person to another to help them on their life journey. 

“I think a role model is a mentor - someone you see on a daily basis, and you learn from them.”  Denzel Washington
